Associate Professor Anne Jamison to be Part of French Television Documentary
A documentary team from French television, France 4, will travel to the University
of Utah this month to interview and film Anne Jamison about her work on fanfiction. Anne’s book, Fic, is an exploration of the history and culture of fan writing and what it means for
the way we think about reading, writing, and authorship.
In a letter to the University, the director of the documentary, Emmanuelle Wielezynski Debats stated:
"I am grateful to the University of Utah for giving me permission to shoot part of Fanfic, my documentary about fanfiction, during Anne Jamison's class, and letting me interview her in the University setting. This film will approach fanfiction differently: not in an intimate way, but as a major cultural shift, commented by experts, such as Anne Jamison."
"Anne Jamison's book was central to my decision to compare both the US approach and
the French one. I will interview Anne Jamison about fanfiction's recent history from
Star Trek to Twilight, and about more classic roots, from Shakespeare to Sherlock.I want to ask her about her own interest in fanfiction, as an academic and a literature
teacher. I hope to build to a better understanding of Fanfiction and contribute to
a larger recognition of the popular creativity in the age of the internet in my country.
I look forward to visiting the University and meeting with Anne Jamison and her students."