Carolyn Tanner Irish

Dear Colleagues,
I have some very sad news to convey. This morning, Carolyn Tanner Irish passed away. Carolyn and her family have been much more than generous and gracious donors to our college. They have for generations helped define the place of the Humanities on our campus and in our community. The Obert C. and Grace A. Tanner Humanities Center has become the centerpiece of our college, supporting not only faculty and student research but important outreach efforts. We are fortunate to have the Tanner Center, and the building that houses it, the Carolyn Tanner Irish Humanities Building, as material reminders of her contributions, but it's all the more important for us to keep in mind her greater gifts to us, the devotion to intellectual inquiry and exchange and commitment to articulating and promoting human values.
Stuart Culver, Dean
College of Humanities | June 29, 2021