HUMANITIES Ambassador SPOTLIGHT | Kira Kammerer

Kira Kammerer (she/they)
Major: Communication
Q: Why did you choose to become an ambassador for the College of Humanities?
A: I chose to become an ambassador for the College of Humanities because I am passionate about the subjects it represents and I am grateful to be involved.
Q: What are your major(s) and/or minor(s)? Why did you choose them, what do you love most about them, and what do you hope to do with them once you graduate?
A: I am earning my degree in Communication because it is applicable to most fields, leaving me with a lot of career options when I graduate. I am fond of my major because I am able to apply the knowledge I’m acquiring in my classes to my everyday life. I am currently deciding on what minors I will be adding, they will likely be in the Humanities college as well.
Q: What do you think your most unique hobby is? Why do you love it?
A: My most unique hobby is decorating! I love making a space feel comfortable and achieving an aesthetic, especially with things that have sentimental value to me.
Q: In what way(s) do you feel “at home” at the University of Utah?
A: I feel “at home” at the U because I grew up in Salt Lake and it has always been the school I’ve wanted to go to! In high school, I had debate tournaments here and I fell in love with campus in the fall.
Q: What is the earliest or latest class you’ve ever had? What about that class made it worth getting up so early/staying on campus so late?
A: The earliest class I’ve had in college started at 9am, a vast improvement from grade school which started at 7am. It was a public speaking class and it was a little difficult to present that early in the morning, but it was worth it because I really like writing speeches.
Q: On a regular day what does your commute to school look like? Do you enjoy it? If not, what are some ways you make it more bearable?
A: I usually take a UTA bus to and from school. I enjoy it because I think my route home is really pretty. It also gives me time to listen to my music and sometimes I work on school things. I definitely recommend this over trying to find parking every day!
Q: In what way have you engaged in the college experience that you are most proud of
A: A way I have engaged in the college experience that I am most proud of is participating in activism and protests as a student!
Q: What do you feel like is the most underrated building or place on campus?
A: My favorite spot on campus is the Museum of Fine Arts! It is such a beautiful building with so many incredible pieces and displays. When I go after a class or campus event, I am always surprised that there aren’t more people there.
Q: What is your dream career? What steps are you taking to get there?
A: My dream career is humanitarianism. I am working towards it by earning my degree and enhancing my leadership skills.
Q: If you could go back and tell just one thing about your college experience to your past self on your first day at the U, what would you tell yourself?
A: If I could go back and tell myself one thing about my college experience to my day one freshman self, I would tell them that despite some obstacles, it really just keeps getting better the farther you go.
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