HUMANITIES Ambassador SPOTLIGHT | Lillian Ault

Lillian Ault (she/her)
Major(s): Honors Political Science, International Studies
Q: Why did you become an ambassador for the College of Humanities?
A: I chose to be an ambassador for the College of Humanities because I was involved in the College Student Council last year as the president and wanted to continue working with the College. I thought this would be a great opportunity to do so and try new things!
Q: What are your major(s) and/or minor(s)? Why did you choose them, what do you love most about them, and what do you hope to do with them once you graduate?
A: My majors are political science and international studies with an emphasis in foreign relations and security. I chose these majors because I thought they closely aligned with one another in addition to what I am interested in doing in the future (maybe working on policy issues or doing research – not sure yet). What I love most about these majors is how many interesting people are in them! I hope to use them to help me in graduate school.
Q: When you have to lock in and study for a hard test or write a long paper, what is your go-to method for staying focused and pushing through?
A: My go-to method for staying focused and pushing through is to isolate myself in a quiet environment.
Q: Where is the best place to get food on or around campus?
A: In my opinion, the best place to get food on or around campus is Skewered Thai! It’s a Thai restaurant located at Trolley Square. It’s only about a five-minute Trax ride to get there.
Q: In what way(s) do you feel “at home” at the University of Utah?
A: I feel at home at the University of Utah, mostly due to the communities I am part of through extracurricular activities! I also live on campus because I work for Housing and Residential Education, which also helps a lot.
Q: In what way have you engaged in the college experience that you are most proud of?
A: In terms of how I have engaged the most in the college experience, I am most proud of how I have become part of so many on-campus activities. This has really helped make college more affordable for me, as well as helped me make new friends and a lot of professional connections, for which I am very grateful. 😊
Q: What do you feel like is the most underrated building or place on campus?
A: I think that the most underrated place on campus is the School of Music library. I am in the Utah Philharmonia, so I have the pleasure of being in the music building often, and the School of Music library really is a gem that mostly only music students know about!
Q: If you could study abroad anywhere on earth, where would you go and why?
A: If I could study abroad anywhere on earth, I would probably go to Italy. I’m really fascinated with the diverse topography of Italy as well as its rich culture, architecture, and history!
Q: Would you rather have back-to-back classes from 7am to 9pm one day a week or have one two-hour class every day of the week, including weekends?
A: I would rather have back-to-back classes from 7am to 9pm one day a week than have one two-hour class every day of the week. This way, I can do other things for the rest of the week!
Q: If you could go back and tell just one thing about your college experience to your past self on your first day at the U, what would you tell yourself?
A: If I could tell myself just one thing about my college experience to my past self on my first day at the U, I would definitely recommend getting involved in more things earlier (such as doing internships or an on-campus job)!
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