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The Humanities Scholars program is an exclusive first-year experience providing an immersive atmosphere where students, faculty, and staff collaborate over shared interests, academic research, and community involvement. 

Lucy Christensen

Lucy Christensen (she/her) 

Major: International Studies 

Research: International Students' Educational Experience

Q: During the first semester, how did learning about the College of Humanities and its disciplines help you frame your academic interests?

A: Following much introspection about the path to take beyond undergrad, I have decided to continue my educational journey by going to law school. After looking through the many possibilities the College of Humanities offers, I was able to realize that one of my passions is mediation. I have found that addressing problems and finding peace through conflicts through mediation has been a passion of mine from previous experiences in the workplace and with nonprofit organizations.

Q: What is one of the most impactful lessons or experiences you had during your time as a humanities scholar? 

A: My professor told each of the scholars that “the person defines the role” and we get to define the definition. Starting at the U as a first-year student came with so many opportunities to choose from, but it was also very overwhelming to have to make so many decisions at once. This quote reminded me that it always came down to me choosing who I wanted to be.

Q: How has the Humanities Scholars program influenced your academic and career aspirations? 

A: The Humanities Scholars program became like a home away from home. I was able to make many meaningful connections that turned into friends and mentors


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Last Updated: 7/22/24