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Humanities Scholars' Spring 2024 Research


The Humanities Scholars program is redefining the first-year student experience. This high impact learning community empowers students to explore the humanities, question the meaning of their education, and connect their academic interests to impactful research and community engagement. Looking back on the Spring 2024 semester, it’s easy to celebrate the remarkable achievements of this year’s Humanities Scholars and the opportunities the program provides.

Hand-picked faculty mentors, including Director Lepa Marinkovski, Assistant Professor (Lecturer) in English, are committed to guiding students through the academic journey, helping to discover new facets of the humanities and themselves

hum scholars 2024

Spring 2024 Research

This spring, Humanities Scholars tackled diverse and thought-provoking research projects, showcasing their critical thinking and dedication to understanding the human experience.


Beverly with Lepa
Beverly and Joyce at poster session
Vanessa with Lepa

Beverly Cheung (International Studies BA) & Vanessa Patzner (English BA)

Project: Social Media and the Effects on Youth
Faculty Mentors:Joyce Havstad (Philosophy), Lepa Marinkovski (English)
Beverly and Vanessa researched the impact of social media on young people, focusing on mental health, behavior, and social interactions.

Sophia with Lepa
Sophia and Izzy at poster session
Izzy with Lepa

Sophia Warnas (History BA) & Izzy Caro (Pre Nursing)

Project: The Role of Women in World Mythology
Faculty Mentors:Lindsay Drager (English), Lepa Marinkovski
Sophia and Izzy explored how women are depicted in various world mythologies, examining cultural narratives and their impact on contemporary gender roles.

Ellie with Lepa
Ellie and Nasir at poster session
Nasir with Lepa

Ellie Lubin (Communication BA) & Nasir Stephens (Communication BA)

Project: Does Gender Have an Effect on How We Experience Social Media?
Faculty Mentors:Romeo Garcia (Writing and Rhetoric Studies), Lepa Marinkovski
Ellie and Nasir investigated the intersection of gender and social media, analyzing how different genders interact with and are affected by social media platforms.

Ellie with Lepa
Dayna and Lucy at poster session
Nasir with Lepa

Dayna Policarpio (Communication BA) & Lucy Christensen (International Studies HBS)

Project: International Students' Educational Experience
Faculty Mentors:Tara Quinn (Communication), Lepa Marinkovski
Dayna and Lucy examined the unique challenges and opportunities faced by international students, providing insights into their educational experiences at U.S. universities.

Kason with Lepa
Kason and Zach at poster session
Nasir with Lepa

Kason Opdyke (Linguistics BA)  & Zachary Mickelsen (History BA)

Project: An Analysis of the History of Argumentative Linguistics
Faculty Mentors:Aniello DeSanto (Linguistics), Lepa Marinkovski
Kason and Zachary delved into the evolution of argumentative linguistics, tracing its development and influence on modern discourse.


The Humanities Scholars program is more than just an academic experience—it's a journey of self-discovery and community connection. Prospective students are invited to join and become part of this transformative first-year cohort.

Learn more


Last Updated: 7/23/24