L2TReC Wins Language Training Center Competition
The College of Humanities was pleased to learn that L2TReC was selected by The Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO) as a Language Training Center (LTC) Program winner. The LTC Program is a DoD initiative established in 2011 under Section 529 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2010 to accelerate the development of foundational or higher-level expertise in strategic language and regional studies for DoD personnel by leveraging U.S. institutions of higher education to meet the existing and demonstrated training needs of DoD units, offices, or agencies. L2Trec was one of eight institutions to become part of the program.
The LTCs are partnering with the Services (Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy), Special Forces community, Defense Agencies (National Security Agency, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency), Reserve and National Guard units to support their language and culture training.
On behalf of the College of Humanities, we congratulate L2TReC for their hard work and success! We look forward to hearing more in the future.