Professor Leslie Francis (Department of Philosophy and School of Law) and Political
Science Professor John Francis Publish Their New Book "States of Health"
A new book by Professor Leslie Francis (Department of Philosophy and School of Law)
and Political Science Professor John Francis entitled States of Health: The Ethics and Consequences of Policy Variation in a Federal System (Oxford University Press, 2024) is a timely exploration of the U.S. healthcare system
in which individual states exercise variable health policies under the umbrella of
federal health regulations. In a piece in Newsweek entitled “Why Allowing States to Regulate Abortions is Sometimes Better than the Alternatives” the authors argue that “in the face of such deep moral disagreement within a single
nation, a federalist political system—one that is designed to have some issues regulated
by states rather than the federal government—has advantages.” Furthermore, “freedom
of movement allows residents who disagree with their state's policies to seek more
favorable environments. Movement tests acceptability of a state's experiments.” See
the op ed in the Salt Lake Tribune here: